This month, we are learning more about the organization Resilience1220 and how it works to support the LGBTQ+ community. This organization is one of the four nonprofits that will receive a grant from the Mama Bears Giving Circle in the second grant round!
About Resilience1220
Resilience1220 provides services in the form of FREE counseling sessions and support groups for young people ages 12-20, and community outreach and events that increase awareness of mental health issues.
Counseling sessions with Resilience1220 teach stress-reduction techniques, tools to ask for and provide help, validation, a place to sort through belief systems, and a non-judgmental place to share their feelings.
Resilience220 has a track record of offering support and services that LGBTQ+ youth and family members trust and utilize. Since 2019, LGBTQ+ youth have participated in 112 facilitated support and social groups, and 175 LGBTQ+ youth have participated in individual counseling with one of our therapists. Our therapists and staff have also conducted 21 presentations in-person or virtually focused on a LGBTQ+ specific topic. They are one of the only nonprofits that provide mental health counseling, support groups, and other community-based wellness programming for LBGTQ+ youth in the mountain communities they serve.